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House of Kin's

Decorate our Tree

Holiday Fundraiser

Make a donation of $10 or more to the House of Kin’s Decorate Our Tree Campaign and you will be entered to win a stunning gift basket from D&A Meats. For each donation, we will put an ornament on our tree with your name, or greeting.

$10 = An Ornament on Our Tree + 1 entry into our D&A Meats Basket Draw

Donations can be made in person at the House of Kin, and Online through our CanadaHelps page @ (link).

All donations will be considered for entry until 12:00 P.M on Thursday, December 19th, with The basket being drawn at 3:30 P.M. 

The winner will be announced on our social media shortly after, and promptly contacted to arrange pickup.

Your Ornament

We love to decorate our tree with fond memories and amazing individuals, so on your ornament, we encourage you to put a positive greeting, or your name to help spread the love this holiday season. *Any ornaments donated for online will be done by one of our amazing staff*

Our Home is Your Home

Chez Nous, C'est Chez Vous

1889 Regent Street S.
Sudbury, ON. P3E 3Z7
Tel: 705 522 3600
Fax: 705 522 9067

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